The upcoming election may be the most important one in our lifetime. If you took time to review my website on Take Back America, you should realize just how important it may be to you and your family. That said: elections are also the easiest way to Take Our Country Back
Fair and truthful elections are indeed the foundation of a free people. We are all lax at times and I am no exception, and we can all and should do better at reviewing the candidates and making sure what and just who we are voting for.
I personally disagree with every politician I have researched so far however on how elections should be conducted. One party wants it open to almost everyone that has once or now can talk or breath, the other party is not far behind. Easy is their theme. Mail in ballots for all. That to me is wrong. I am old school, and I remember going to the polls with my parents and waiting and waiting for them to vote. They never once complained. Many complain “I’m busy, I can’t get there, It takes too long etc. etc.” One excuse is as weak as the next. Mary and Joseph, you recall had to go about 90 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem just to pay their taxes. That I imagine was about a 4-day trip walking and riding on a donkey, but they did it because it was the law. Our right to vote is indeed a privilege and a blessing and if it is difficult for us – “well to bad” -- get off your backside and do it anyway. we should want to do it but if not, we should all be required to vote and suffer the consequences if we cannot be bothered.
I will agree that some or all of the following solutions should be considered.
1. All US citizens should be required to prove their eligibility to vote prior to voting.
2. The voting age should be 21.
3. All voting should be in person at a polling station. Never by mail without real justification and it must be provable.
4. All US citizens of voting age should be required to vote every election. If they miss 2 in a row they must requalify and if they miss 3 in a row, they will lose their citizenship and all associated benefits for XX years until they could apply for citizenship just as any foreigner would have to do.
5. Patriotism and voting privilege should be taught in our schools, and we should understand what a blessing it is that WE CAN INDEED VOTE.
6. Voting at a polling center would eliminate some of the voter fraud that we hear so much about. Hire more poll workers, with more polling locations and use good old paper ballots. Counting can be verified etc., and it eliminates the chance for hackers etc. to control the outcome.
7. Example: a write in candidate for the next election in my area has said she is concerned because one candidate in the last election was defeated by a total of 10 votes out of 8500 votes cast, when that same candidate enjoyed a 60% approval rating of 1000 audited voters, and the request for a recount was not approved.
The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do -----
Joseph Stalin
A recent study I am told showed only a 35% voter turnout. That is shocking to me. The Apathy in our country will destroy us if nothing else does. Whatever and however it is done, a change is needed in our voting system, and we need it NOW.
On Elections.
Sep 30, 2022
In Take Back America
The upcoming election may be the most important one in our lifetime. If you took time to review my website on Take Back America, you should realize just how important it may be to you and your family. That said: elections are also the easiest way to Take Our Country Back
Fair and truthful elections are indeed the foundation of a free people. We are all lax at times and I am no exception, and we can all and should do better at reviewing the candidates and making sure what and just who we are voting for.
I personally disagree with every politician I have researched so far however on how elections should be conducted. One party wants it open to almost everyone that has once or now can talk or breath, the other party is not far behind. Easy is their theme. Mail in ballots for all. That to me is wrong. I am old school, and I remember going to the polls with my parents and waiting and waiting for them to vote. They never once complained. Many complain “I’m busy, I can’t get there, It takes too long etc. etc.” One excuse is as weak as the next. Mary and Joseph, you recall had to go about 90 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem just to pay their taxes. That I imagine was about a 4-day trip walking and riding on a donkey, but they did it because it was the law. Our right to vote is indeed a privilege and a blessing and if it is difficult for us – “well to bad” -- get off your backside and do it anyway. we should want to do it but if not, we should all be required to vote and suffer the consequences if we cannot be bothered.
I will agree that some or all of the following solutions should be considered.
1. All US citizens should be required to prove their eligibility to vote prior to voting.
2. The voting age should be 21.
3. All voting should be in person at a polling station. Never by mail without real justification and it must be provable.
4. All US citizens of voting age should be required to vote every election. If they miss 2 in a row they must requalify and if they miss 3 in a row, they will lose their citizenship and all associated benefits for XX years until they could apply for citizenship just as any foreigner would have to do.
5. Patriotism and voting privilege should be taught in our schools, and we should understand what a blessing it is that WE CAN INDEED VOTE.
6. Voting at a polling center would eliminate some of the voter fraud that we hear so much about. Hire more poll workers, with more polling locations and use good old paper ballots. Counting can be verified etc., and it eliminates the chance for hackers etc. to control the outcome.
7. Example: a write in candidate for the next election in my area has said she is concerned because one candidate in the last election was defeated by a total of 10 votes out of 8500 votes cast, when that same candidate enjoyed a 60% approval rating of 1000 audited voters, and the request for a recount was not approved.
The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do -----
Joseph Stalin
A recent study I am told showed only a 35% voter turnout. That is shocking to me. The Apathy in our country will destroy us if nothing else does. Whatever and however it is done, a change is needed in our voting system, and we need it NOW.
March 2023
I have already expressed my thoughts on how important I think our elections. But how should we conduct a fair and truthful election? Here are my ideas. Why not declare election day a State and National holiday. Yes, I think it is that important. Employers would be required to give needed employees time to vote. Why not get away from all the electronic stuff that an be hacked etc. or rigged in favor of a chosen candidate or party? Why not do it the old fashion way? We could hold elections at our local school houses which would all be empty because of the holiday, and they are relatively close to everyone , so people could walk to them. That way and we could also eliminate the most mail in voting.
Hire poll workers or ask for volunteers to get the job done. All registered voters would be accepted. Many would be known by the poll workers, both parties could have senior representative sto oversee the workers. More workers could [with supervision] be counting the votes each hour and logging the totals for each hour. Voters not living in that school area could still vote but that vote would be held in abeyance until verified absolutely by the voters school area. Within an hour of the polls closing a result for each school should be ready and sent to a local precinct. Certainly, we could get rid of 3 days of waiting for results.
It would eliminate the excuse that “I have no way to get there” for almost everyone.
It would eliminate the expensive cost of buying maintaining and upgrading electric machines.
Much of the cost would go into salaries for local people so could add a little [however small] to each community budget.