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My Thoughts on Communism

I believe the Scriptures as published in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible together with those published and taught by my own faith as a continuation of those beloved old Scriptures. And because of those teachings I truly believe we are in fact “IN THE LAST DAYS” before the Lord Jesus Christ returns to rule the earth.

When He will come; no one knows but it would appear to be much sooner that most everyone believes. All of the signs are there to see; Those taught by Joel, Timothy, Daniel, and others in the bible together with those of my own faith. We see earthquakes in divers’ places, hurricanes, floods, destruction of all sorts, plagues, pestilence, violence of every sort, moral decay, decline of religious belief in general and on and on. We also see “THE GATHERING OF ISREAL” as it commences and is reported to us on TV and social media.

My Church leaders have been teaching preparation for these events for a long time. They encouraged us to be happy and eager and to do the lord’s work in preparation. The overall theme to me was saying --- we are already in difficult times, and they will get worse over time. We will be tested in this probationary state. It is so necessary we quit pretending to be faithful with our words of - - Lord Lord  -- Mathew 7.;21. To me they seemed to be saying ‘Strengthen your faith and belief in Jesus Christ and take upon you His name and believe in Him’ keep his commandments and you can actually look forward to His coming because you believe in Him and will stay strong in your faith.

Those that do so will be saved at that great and terrible day of the coming of the lord. Regardless of your faith, do not forsake it. I encourage and plead with us all to study the Scriptures, go to church if you can, learn of Him, believe in Him, witness unto Him, get baptized if needed, learn to ‘hear Him,’ and renew and keep your covenants with Him. The last days are real.


In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Temporary Goodbye (To Puppy)

Temporary Goodbye (To Puppy)

By Victoria Suliafu

I don`t know if it`s mistake,

Or hapless fate`s design.

I don`t know how to watch him…

Especially since he`s mine.

I cannot let him go now

There isn`t enough time!

He`s always been my buddy,

Given me none but love.

The whisper in my heart says,

“For him, I`ve not enough”.

But I`ll not show my sadness,

My wrenching grief and pain.

I just want him to know that

I will find him again.

And as the light of Heaven

Shines bright upon his face,

I give him one last bear-hug,

Our final warm embrace.

Until we meet again, Boy…

And happily side by side,

Keep close t

o heart my message…

My temp`rary goodbye.“

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