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My Thoughts on Gun Control
Get Honest About Guns

Efforts to limit  who can or cannot own a gun is a slippery slope that one day we will wish we had never stepped on.


IF anything, my solution would be more guns. I would make sure every child and teacher had a basic understanding of guns and what they can do. They all would receive instruction on how to handle a gun incident, every classroom 5th grade and above would have two fully loaded 20-gauge pump shotguns secured in a locked box of some type, lower grades only one gun for the teacher ,if anyone fired any weapon or even threatened to do so a button would be pushed, and that box would open. the teaher would take one and a 6th grade or older child woud take the other. that student would then proceed to a predermind lower grade  classroom and assist that teachein making sure everyone was safe. Other saftey equipment cauld also be considered. Yes accidents and errors in judgment woukd occur over time but I can assure you, you would never see mass shootings in our schools like we do today




I have owned or been around all sorts of weapons my entire life. I have owned guns since I was 12 years old. In all my life I have never seen nor heard of a gun of any type deciding to shoot anyone and so it paced itself up and went out and did so. The idea that guns kill people is a weak, false one. Guns have not, nor will they ever KILL PEOPLE. People often kill people with guns, but It is the person shooting or careless with a gun that kills.

What need to change is the person shooting and how will we do that. I would suggest getting God back in our classrooms, Start teaching the golden rule, patriotisms. love of country, and family, consequences responsibility, how to lose, as well as win, and right from wrong.


Any efforts to limit Gun Control by/or agreeing with that idea and saying who can or cannot own a gun is a slippery slope that one day we will wish we had never stepped on. That is exactly what the socialists and communists want. Once we are disarmed; the rest will move much faster.


IF anything, my solution would be more guns. I would make sure every child and teacher had a basic understanding of guns and what they can do. They all would receive instruction on how to handle a gun incident, every classroom would have two fully loaded 20-gauge pump shotguns secured in a locked box of some type, grades 4 and below would only have one gun for the teadher. If anyone fired any weapon or even threatened to do so a button would be pushed, and that box would open. the teaher would take one and a 6th grade or older child woud take the other. that student would then proceed to a predermind lower grade  classroom and assist that teachein making sure everyone was safe. Other saftey equipment cauld also be considered. Yes accidents and errors in judgment woukd occur over time but I can assure you, you would never see mass shootings in our schools like we do today.

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